Pascal Jentzsch

My name is Pascal Jentzsch, i’m 19 years old, and I’m from Germany. I’m from Glienicke, a small village in the north of Berlin. Last year I finished school and went to the university last April where I started studying Engineering. At the same time I try to pass the entrance examination of Lufthansa to become a pilot.

Why ProBrasil?

There are two main points which I can combine by working for ProBrasil.
On the one hand is that I like traveling a lot but I just went to other countries in Europe but not further away. So I decided to see something completely new and something different like Brazil.
On the other hand there is the social aspect of the volunteering. It means teaching something new and having a lot of fun with kids. Furthermore you’re not just teaching you also show them another culture.

How can I help?

I like playing with children and nearly all types of sports if you at least have fun  So I want to play and have fun with the kids. I also like arts which means the kids and I can be creative. Finally I speak 4 Languages so maybe I can teach some English and also can improve my Portuguese with all the people I meet at ProBrasil which is like a win-win-situation

Team Information

 Age number: 19
 Phone: 123 – 4567 – 8901